Digiconcept for Sports & Culture Destinations

Gamified apps bring versatile information and enthusiasm about the area for everyone

The ecosystem agreement of the city of Rovaniemi emphasizes Arctic tourism and future well-being services. Development targets are guided by e.g. modern tourism and the use of digitalization in nature and sports tourism. There are many sports and cultural destinations in Rovaniemi’s surroundings, the location information and accessibility of which should be presented in the latest and most interesting ways, so that they could encourage as many people as possible to exercise. This concept was developed in this digital design project during 2024.

The project “Designing the Concept for Digitalizing Exercise and Cultural Destinations” involved diverse co-innovation and conceptualization work with different actors. The project focused on bringing sports and culture onto the same digital platform in the context of Rovaniemi, and a developer network was created around the topic during the project. The developer network was the basis on whose ideas the application concept was created. See the most important measures and results of the project below.

Project Results

Route application concept

A route application concept where exercise, culture and gamification meet

The project implemented a route application concept in the local context of Rovaniemi. The POC focuses on bringing all the city’s actors on the same map and enabling the possibilities for the actors to produce content inside the app. The concept examined gamification as a motivator for light exercise and for enriching the content of local actors.

Reindeer reconstruction plan Rovaniemi

The Reindeer reconstruction plan Rovaniemi visualization presents the city plan on a digital map and compares amazing old city pictures from the Provincial Museum with the current streetscape. The visualization also tested the use of the reconstruction plan in the concept of a mobile route program. The background maps were produced based on open data from the National Land Survey of Finland. The demo is functional, and there is a lot of development potential for, for example, in the Alvar Aalto jubilee year 2025 in Rovaniemi.

Stories from the Rovaniemi Riverside -Route:
In the Rovaniemi smart exercise routes to support the well-being of locals and tourists -project, a story-based walking route to the Rovaniemi riverside was produced. The goal was to create attraction for the “small bridges run” in the form of a cultural-historical walk. The route was created in the new Etiäinen application by the city of Rovaniemi. You can listen to the story told by Nätti-Jussi by scanning QR code tiles along the route.

Discussion and Innovation event in Korundi: Digitizing and Gamifying Exercise and Culture in Rovaniemi

In the project, we organized a hybrid workshop in May 2024, where we gathered actors from many fields, including tourism, sports, technology and culture. The workshop included presentations on the possibilities and challenges of gamified solutions in outdoor exercise, an entrepreneur speaker, and an innovation section, where we discussed together Rovaniemi as a field of opportunities and public actors as a supporter of companies in the development of new growth.

SME-focused webinar workshop:
Rovaniemi actors in route applications

The project organized a robust webinar workshop specifically targeting companies in Rovaniemi. The webinar discussed agency and content production in local route apps by testing a prototype.

Specialist Blog in Pohjoisen Tekijät:
How to increase the appeal of Rovaniemi’s sports and cultural destinations with Digital Means? (FI)

The blog discusses the use of gamification in geospatial applications and the power of a developer network in an Innocities-project.

Specialist Article in the FrostBit Publications:
Looking for a home for the digital concept – surveying examples, data sources and platforms (FI)

The article examines from a technical point of view the search for platforms for geospatial applications and alternatives for enabling game-like implementations.

Article in the publication series of the Arctic Sport network:
Dreaming of a geospatial application concept as a gamified playground for exercise and culture (FI)

The article discusses the development of an application concept that would make local sports and cultural historical sites more attractive through gamification. Conceptualization processes are considered in the development network’s operations.

Specialist Blog in Pohjoisen Tekijät:
Involving versatile actors in Rovaniemi in development work

The article reviews the processes of engagement and creating a developer network through good practices and challenges.


Designing the Concept for Digitalizing Exercise and Cultural Destinations


1.1.2024 – 31.12.2024


73 338 €


Tuuli Nivala

The project created an application concept with partners, and produced a developer network around the themes, with which we can continue to innovate on the topic in Rovaniemi in the future. If you are more interested in the topic or would like to somehow proceed with the application concept further, you can contact the project’s contact persons via the route application concept form.