Pick a Pet – TEQU Hub proto

A responsible platform for selling and buying pets

LapUAS’ TEQU and FrostBit software laboratory developed the Pick a Pet application as a prototype of the month in the TEQU Hub project. The proto is a responsible platform for selling and buying pets. The entrepreneur of PRO PoweriaPäivään Oy approached TEQU with the idea of a consumer-oriented need, and it was noted that there was room for the platform in the market.

Ease of use, responsibility and visual meaningfulness were considered when designing the application. Users agree to follow the rules of responsibility and good practices when they log in. The central idea in the UI design was to make all the necessary information easily, clearly and attractively available to the buyer. There are several filtering and search options to find a pet, and they can be selected as favorites with the heart button. Potential features for the future application include, for example, one-on-one conversations between the seller and the buyer, social media sharing options and viewing the seller’s profile.

FrostBit’s Web and Mobile team participated in the technical implementation of the web application based on TEQU’s concepts and backend system. The application was implemented on the React development platform (Single Page Application) and it was also translated for testing on Android with the mobile Tauri v2 application. The background service, which contains the information of users and dogs, has been created with Supabase, which uses the open source PostgreSQL database.




1.5.2023 – 31.12.2025


1 124 390 €


Matias Hiltunen

The goal of the TEQU Hub project is to promote the growth of the competitiveness of SMEs in the Lapland region in the areas of digitalization and sustainable development. The goal is to create opportunities for companies to get excited, encouraged and participate in the development of their own business, both independently and in close cooperation with cluster actors in the area, such as other companies, financiers and universities. The project is implemented with ERDF granted by the Regional Council of Lapland and state funding.