Be Proactive – Technology solutions for the elderly

Solutions to support the elderly living at home

Independent daily living in one’s own home is the wish of most elderly people. The goal of the “Ennakoi” (Be proactive) project is to promote the production of preventive services using digital means and to produce technology solutions for elderly people living at home, so that with various support services it is possible to live at home for as long as possible.

In a digitalized society, it is essential to develop new innovative technology solutions that can be used to implement proactive activities that strengthen the well-being and functional capacity of the elderly.

In the project, FrostBit designs digital tools and technological solutions that are intended for collecting predictive information and implementing the operating model. In the development of the tools, elements of gamification, data analytics and artificial intelligence are utilized, improving their efficiency and user-friendliness. The project emphasizes continuous cooperation and networking with different actors, ensuring that the developed solutions serve people as well as possible.


Teknologiset ratkaisut ennakoivan tiedon keräämisessä ja ikäihmisten kotona asumisen tukemisessa


01.5.2023 – 30.4.2026


543 096 €


Mikko Pajula

The project’s target group are public and private social and health sector operators, organizations, as well as sports and culture sector operators. As a result of the project, a model of proactive action will be created to support the functioning and living at home of the elderly. Project activities increase awareness of digital and technological solutions and actively put them into use.