Forest Visitor – Active Arctic

Nature can be brought close with VR

Virtual reality is already widely used in the social and health sector, both in training and in versatile treatment. VR applications can also be used to create experiences for these fields, which can be used, for example, as calming environments for different target groups. In the Active Arctic project, VR applications were implemented for this purpose in cooperation with nursing professionals and users.

Lapland University of Applied Sciences has implemented two scenarios in Metsänkävijä-VR: Forest walk and mushroom picking. During a forest walk, the user gets a nature experience in a lake environment, where you can even fish and see wild animals. The scenario’s realistic sound world increases the immersion of the nature experience. In the other scenario, the user can pick mushrooms in a VR forest environment, where traditional animals from the Finnish nature also roam. The VR experience has been made accessible through user testing and feedback from several different groups.


Active Arctic – Digital environments and solutions supporting the well-being and business of sparsely populated areas


1.8.2021 – 31.8.2023


499 975 €


Tuuli Tikkanen

The Active Arctic project supports the development of welfare services, especially in sparsely populated regions, taking into account accessibility and the role of implementing DIH actions. The technological solutions of the project enable the transfer of new know-how and application of digitization tools and services.

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